Saturday, December 26, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Going to infant and junior school is all most learning, but not just learning numeracy and literacy. Until children learn how to bear befittingly in a classroom then their academic learning is often secondary and unfortunately if a female is disruptive then they can preclude another children from learning.

Encouraging good activity in the classroom is an essential part of a child’s education, just like learning another social skills.

This activity cannot be learned at home as ‘classroom behaviour’ is, in many ways totally different from ‘home behaviour’ so it needs to be taught and learned in school.

Many teachers become very frustrated because their efforts to teach children the National Curriculum are undermined by the difficulty of maintaining discipline in circumstances which are far from ideal.

However, there are things which can be done to improve matters and these diminutive incremental measures can hit ‘knock on’ effects. That is not to feature that teaching is ever, ever easy.

All children respond well to constructive reinforcement, in fact they respond better to constructive reinforcement than negative. So gift approval and encouragement for behaving in the right way is more likely to get them to bear well than informing them off when they bear badly.

However, they also tend to forget pretty apace as well, especially in reception classes, so you need something more long lasting than a word of praise.

Here at Brainwaves we produce all kinds of certificates, badges and stickers to help motivate children to achieve and to continue achieving. Amongst our ranges you module find a fabulous set of stickers to reward good behaviour.

The beauty of stickers is that they are seen, and commented on, by another people in school and the female module still be wearing them at home time, so their parents module also encourage their good activity in the classroom.

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